4.2 Referral Program

To further motivate community members to actively participate and contribute to the development of the Revolution Land platform, we have specially designed an innovative promotion plan. This plan aims to reward individuals who make significant contributions to the ecosystem by redistributing a portion of the game sales revenue to players and developers who successfully attract new users.

Encouraging Community Participation and Contribution

Community members, especially players and developers, play a crucial role in promoting the platform and attracting new users. Therefore, this promotion plan is specifically designed to reward those community members who promote games through their personal channels and social media networks, introduce new players, or create engaging content that fosters platform growth.

Revenue Sharing Mechanism from Sales

The core of the promotion plan is to create a fair revenue-sharing mechanism, ensuring that a portion of the income generated from game sales is distributed to the players and developers involved in the promotion. This not only provides direct financial rewards for their efforts but also encourages more members within the community to actively participate in promotional activities.

Transparent and Automated Reward Distribution

The distribution process of rewards will be fully transparent and executed automatically via smart contracts, ensuring that every contributor receives their fair share of rewards justly. This automated mechanism reduces administrative costs while enhancing the trust of community members in the platform.

Promoting Continuous Growth and Expansion of the Platform

By rewarding community members who actively promote the platform and games, the promotion plan aims to continuously attract new users, increase game activity, and engagement. This ongoing growth momentum benefits the expansion of the Revolution Land platform and provides developers with a broader market, thereby fostering the prosperity of the entire Web3 gaming ecosystem.

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